Announcing the Swarm Token Sale on CoinList

Announcements Jun 3, 2021

We’re proud to announce that registrations for the Swarm Token Sale are now open. Swarm is a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes that create a decentralized storage and communication service. The sale begins on June 14, 17:00 UTC and the deadline to register is June 11, 12:00 UTC. We invite all eligible CoinList users to register.

The sale has two options with different terms:

  • Option 1 will run from June 14 2021, 17:00 UTC to June 15 2021, 04:59 UTC
  • Option 2 will run from June 15 2021, 17:00 UTC to June 16 2021, 04:59 UTC

Please note: Option 1 and Option 2 share the same BZZ token pool. Option 2 will only occur if there are excess tokens from Option 1. By registering for the sale, eligible users will register for both options. Additionally, please note that the two options will have separate, independent sale queues.

Register here »

The Decentralized Storage and Communication System

Swarm is a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes that create a decentralized storage and communication service. The system is economically self-sustaining thanks to a built-in incentive system enforced through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Swarm’s credo is to shape the future towards a self-sovereign global society and permissionless open markets. These principles drove development with a focus on dApp developers, organizations, enterprises, and activists on every blockchain. For example, use-cases include social media dApps, free press, archives, blockchain, and DeFi data.

A few reasons that we’re excited about Swarm:

  1. Persistent TechnologySwarm data is readily accessible due to cross-node replication and erasure coding. Specifically, data is divided into “chunks” and redundantly stored throughout the network. This redundancy provides continued data delivery when nodes go offline.
  2. Data SovereigntyAll node operators participate in a fair data economy in which no central party controls or monetizes data. Instead, users own their data while node operators ensure the availability and integrity of this data.
  3. Aligned EconomicsUsers pay for storage and communication on their own terms, rather than having their data sold to cover costs. On the other hand, node operators are motivated by BZZ tokens to run and maintain network nodes.

Register here »

Legal Disclaimer

Not available for residents and citizens of the United States, China, and Canada, as well as certain jurisdictions listed in the Swarm FAQ and CoinList’s unsupported jurisdictions. Not available for residents and citizens of the United States, China, and Canada, as well as certain jurisdictions listed in the Swarm FAQ and CoinList’s unsupported jurisdictions.

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